
  1. Fang AAAR 2013 Abstract: Fang T, Verma V, Weber RJ. “Semi-automated system for measuring oxidative potential of ambient particles collected on filters using dithiothreitol (DTT) assay.” Poster presentation at the American Association for Aerosol Research Annual Meeting. Portland, Oregon, September 2013.
  2. Metzger 2004 Abstract: Metzger KB, Tolbert PE, Klein M, Peel JL, Flanders WD, Todd K, Mulholland JA, Ryan PB, Frumkin H.  Ambient air pollution and cardiovascular emergency department visits. Epidemiology 15: 46-56, 2004.
  3. Peel (Epidemiology) 2005 Abstract: Peel JL, Tolbert PE, Klein M, Metzger K, Flanders WD, Todd K, Mulholland J, Ryan PB, Frumkin H.   Ambient air pollution and respiratory emergency department visits. Epidemiology 16: 164-174, 2005.
  4. Marmur 2005 Abstract: Marmur A, Unal A, Mulholland JA, Russell AG.  Optimization-based source apportionment of PM2.5 incorporating gas-to-particle ratios. Environmental Science and Technology 39(9): 3245-3254, 2005.
  5. Flanders (J Ag Biol Env Stat) 2005 Abstract: Flanders WD, Klein M, Tolbert PE. A new variance estimator for parameters of semi-parametric generalized additive models. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics 10: 246-257, 2005.
  6. Wade (JAWM) 2006 Abstract: Wade KS, Mulholland JA, Marmur A, Russell AG, Hartsell EE, Edgerton E, Klein M, Waller L, Peel JL, Tolbert PE. Effect of instrument precision and spatial variability on the assessment of the temporal variation of ambient air pollution in Atlanta, Georgia.  Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association 56: 876-888, 2006.
  7. Marmur (Atmospheric Env) 2006 Abstract: Marmur A, Park SK, Mulholland JA, Tolbert PE, Russell AG. Source apportionment of PM2.5 in the southeastern United States using receptor and emissions-based models: Conceptual differences and implications for time-series health studies. Atmospheric Environment 40: 2533-2551, 2006.
  8. Tolbert (JESEE) 2007 Abstract: Tolbert PE, Klein M, Peel JL, Sarnat SE, Sarnat JA. Multipollutant modeling issues in a study of ambient air quality and emergency department visits in Atlanta. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 17:S29-S35, 2007.
  9. Peel (AJE) 2007 Abstract: Peel JL, Metzger KB, Klein M, Flanders WD, Mulholland JA, Tolbert PE.  Ambient air pollution and cardiovascular emergency department visits in potentially sensitive groups.  American Journal of Epidemiology 165:625-633, 2007.
  10. Metzger (Epi) 2007 Abstract: Metzger KB, Klein M, Flanders WD, Peel JL, Langberg JJ, Tolbert PE.  Ambient air pollution and cardiac arrhythmias in patients with implantable defibrillators. Epidemiology 18(5):585-592, 2007.
  11. Sarnat (EHP) 2008 Abstract: Sarnat JA, Marmur A, Klein M, Kim E, Russell AG, Sarnat SE, Mulholland JA, Hopke PK, Tolbert PE. Fine particle sources and cardiorespiratory morbidity: an application of chemical mass balance and factor analytical source apportionment methods. Environmental Health Perspectives 116:459-466, 2008.
  12. Ivy (JAWMA) 2008 Abstract: Ivy D, Mulholland JA, Russell AG.  Development of ambient air quality population-weighted metrics for use in time-series health studies.  Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 58:711-720, 2008.
  13. Grundstein (Thorax) 2008 Abstract: Grundstein A, Sarnat SE, Klein M, Shepherd M, Naeher L, Mote T, Tolbert P. Thunderstorm-associated asthma in Atlanta, Georgia. Thorax 63:659-660, 2008.
  14. Wannemuehler (Environmetrics) 2009 Abstract: Wannemuehler KA, Lyles RH, Waller LA, Hoekstra RM, Klein M, Tolbert P. A conditional expectation approach for associating ambient air pollutant exposures with health outcomes. Environmetrics20:877-894, 2009.
  15. Strickland (JECH) 2009 Abstract: Strickland MJ, Klein M, Darrow LA, Flanders WF, Correa A, Marcus M, Tolbert P.  The issue of confounding in epidemiologic studies of ambient air pollution and pregnancy outcomes.  Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 53:500-504, 2009.
  16. Strickland (AJE) 2009 Abstract: Strickland MJ, Klein M, Correa A, Reller MD, Mahle WT, Riehle-Colarusso TJ, Botto LD, Flanders WD, Mulholland JA, Siffel C, Marcus M, Tolbert PE.  Ambient air pollution and cardiovascular malformations in Atlanta, Georgia, 1986-2003. American Journal of Epidemiology 169:1004-1014, 2009.
  17. Lee (EST) 2009 Abstract: Lee D, Balachandran S, Pachon J, Shankaran R, Lee S, Mulholland JA, Russell AG. Ensemble-Trained PM2.5 Source Apportionment Approach for Health Studies. Environmental Science Technology 43:7023-7031, 2009. 
  18. Grundstein (Geo Compass) 2009 Abstract: Grundstein A, Sarnat SE. Meteorological hypotheses of thunderstorm asthma. Geography Compass 3:45-63, 2009.
  19. Darrow (Epi) 2009 Abstract: Darrow LA, Strickland MJ, KleinM, WallerL, Flanders WD, CorreaA, MarcusM, TolbertPE. Seasonality of birth and implications for temporal studies of preterm birth. Epidemiology 20(5):699-706, 2009.
  20. Darrow (Epi) 2009b Abstract: Darrow LA, KleinM, Flanders WD, WallerL, CorreaA, MarcusM, Mulholland JA, Russell AG, TolbertPE. Ambient air pollution and preterm birth: a time-series analysis. Epidemiology 20(5):689-98, 2009.
  21. Strickland (AJRCCM) 2010 Abstract: Strickland MJ, Darrow LA, Klein M, Flanders WD, Sarnat JA, Waller LA, Sarnat SE, Mulholland JA, Tolbert PE. Short-term associations between ambient air pollutants and pediatric asthma emergency department visits. American Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine 182:307-316, 2010.
  22. Sarnat (JESEE) 2010 Abstract: Sarnat SE, Klein M, Sarnat JA, Mulholland J, Russell AG, Flanders WD, Waller LA, Tolbert PE.  An examination of exposure measurement error from air pollutant spatial variability in time-series studies. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 20:135-146, 2010.
  23. Pachon (Atmospheric Env) 2010 Abstract: Pachon JE, Balachandran S, Hu Y, Weber RJ, Mulholland JA, Russell AG. Comparison of SOC estimates and uncertainties from aerosol chemical composition and gas phase data in Atlanta. Atmospheric Environment 44:3907-3914, 2010. 
  24. Goldman (EST) 2010 Abstract: Goldman GT, Mulholland JA, Russell AG, Srivastava A, Strickland MJ, Klein M, Waller LA, Tolbert PE, Edgerton ES. Ambient air pollutant measurement error: characterization and impacts in a time-series epidemiologic study in Atlanta. Environmental Science & Technology 44:7692-7698, 2010.
  25. Darrow (AJE) 2010 Abstract: Darrow LA.  Invited Commentary: Application of Case-Crossover Methods to Investigate Triggers of Preterm Birth.  American Journal of Epidemiology 172:1118-1120, 2010.
  26. Peel (EHP) 2011 Abstract: Peel JL, Klein M, Flanders WD, Mulholland JA, Freed G, Tolbert PE. Ambient Air Pollution and Apnea and Bradycardia in High-Risk Infants on Home Monitors.  Environmental Health Perspectives 119(9):1327-7, 2011.
  27. Ng (AST) 2011 Abstract: Ng NL, Herndon SC, Trimborn A, Canagaratna MR, Croteau PL, Onasch TB, Sueper D, Worsnop DR, Zhang Q, Sun YL, Jayne JT. An Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitor (ACSM) for Routine Monitoring of the Composition and Mass Concentrations of Ambient Aerosol. Aerosol Science and Technology 45:770-784, 2011. 
  28. Darrow (JESEE) 2011 Abstract: Darrow L, Klein M, Sarnat JA, Mulholland JA, Strickland MJ, Sarnat SE, Russell AG, Tolbert PE. The use of alternative pollutant metrics in time-series studies of ambient air pollution and respiratory emergency department visits. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, 21:10-19, 2011.
  29. Darrow (EHP) 2011 Abstract: Darrow LA, Klein M, Strickland MJ, Mulholland JA, Tolbert PE.  Ambient Air Pollution and Birth Weight in Full-Term Infants in Atlanta, 1994-2004. Environmental Health Perspectives 119:731-737, 2011.
  30. Strickland (EH) 2011 Abstract: Strickland MJ, Darrow LA, Mulholland JA, Klein M, Flanders WD, Winquist A, Tolbert PE. Implications of different approaches for characterizing ambient air pollutant concentrations within the urban airshed for time-series studies and health benefits analyses. Environmental Health 10:36, 2011.
  31. Flanders (Epi) 2011 Abstract: Flanders DW, Klein M, Darrow LA, Strickland MJ, Sarnat SE, Sarnat JA, Waller LA, Winquist A, Tolbert PE.  A method for detection of residual confounding in time-series and other observational studies.  Epidemiology 22:59-67, 2011.
  32. Weber (AST) 2001 Abstract: Weber RJ, Orsini D, Daun Y, Lee Y-N, Klotz P, Brechtel F. A particle-into-liquid collector for rapid measurements of aerosol chemical composition. Aerosol Science and Technology 35:718-727, 2001.
  33. Orsini (AE) 2003 Abstract: Orsini D, Ma Y, Sullivan A, Sierau B, Baumann K, Weber R. Refinements to the Particle-Into-Liquid Sampler (Pils) For Ground and Airborne Measurements Of Water Soluble Aerosol Composition. Atmospheric Environment 37:1243-1259, 2003.
  34. Sullivan (Geo Res Lett) 2004 Abstract: Sullivan AP, Weber RJ, Clements AL, Turner JR, Bae MS, Schauer JJ. A method for on-line measurement of water-soluble organic carbon in ambient aerosol particles: Results from an urban site. Geophysical Research Letters 31, L13105  10.1029/2004GL019681, 2004.
  35. Peltier (AST) 2007 Abstract: Peltier RE, Weber RJ, Sullivan AP. Investigating a liquid-based method for online organic carbon detection in atmospheric particles. Aerosol Science and Technology 41:11171127, 2007.
  36. Rastogi (EST) 2009 Abstract: Rastogi N, Oakes MM, Schauer JJ, Shafer MM, Majestic BJ, Weber RJ. New technique for online measurement of water-soluble Fe(II) in atmospheric aerosols. Environmental Science and Techology 43:2425-2430, 2009.
  37. Hennigan (Atm Chem Phys) 2009 Abstract: Hennigan CJ, Bergin MH, Russell AG, Nenes A, Weber RJ. Gas/particle partitioning of water-soluble organic aerosol in Atlanta. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 9:3613-3628, 2009.
  38. Zhang (Atm Chem Phys) 2010 Abstract: Zhang X, Hecobian A, Zheng M, Frank N, Weber RJ. Biomass buring impact on PM2.5 over the southeastern U.S.: Integrating chemically speciated FRM filter measurements, MODIS fire counts and PMF analysis. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10:6839-6853,  2010.
  39. Oakes (J Geo Res) 2010 Abstract: Oakes M, Rastogi N, Majestic BJ, Shafer M, Schauer JJ, Edgerton ES, Weber RJ. Characterization of soluble iron in urban aerosols using near-real time data. Jornal of Geophysical Research. 115, D15302, doi:15310.11029/12009JD012532, 2010.
  40. Rastogi (Atm Env) 2011 Abstract: Rastogi N, Zhang X, Edgerton ES, Ingall E, Weber RJ. Filterable water-soluble organic nitrogen in fine particles over the southeastern USA during summer. Atmospheric Environment 25:6040-6047, 2011.
  41. Hu (Atm Poll Res) 2010 Abstract: Hu Y, Chang ME, Russell AG,OdmanMT.Using synoptic classification to evaluate an operational air quality forecasting system in AtlantaAtmospheric Pollution Research1(4):280-287, 2010 .
  42. Goldman (EH) 2011 Abstract: Goldman GT, Mulholland JA, Russell AG, Strickland MJ, Klein M, Waller LA, Tolbert PE. Impact of exposure measurement error in air pollution epidemiology: effect of error type in time-series studies. Environmental Health 10:61, 2011.
  43. Flanders (Epi) 2011b Abstract: Flanders WD, Klein M, Darrow LA, Strickland MJ, Sarnat SE, Sarnat JA, Waller LA, Winquist A, Tolbert PE.  A method to detect residual confounding in spatial and other observational studies.  Epidemiology 22:823-826, 2011.
  44. Brown (PLoS ONE) 2012 Abstract: Brown MS, Sarnat SE, DeMuth KA, Brown LAS, Whitlock DR, Brown SW, Tolbert PE, Fitzpatrick AM.  Residential proximity to a major roadway is associated with features of asthma control in children. PLoS ONE 7(5):e37044, 2012.
  45. Balachandran (AE) 2012 Abstract: Balachandran S, Pachon JE, Hu Y, Lee D, Mulholland JA, Russell AG.Ensemble-trained source apportionment of fine particulate matter and method uncertainty analysis.  Atmospheric Environment 61:387-394, 2012.
  46. Reich (SMMR) 2012 Abstract: Reich BJ, Chang HH, Strickland MJ. Spatial health effects analysis with uncertain residential locations.  Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 2012, DOI: 10.1177/0962280212447151.
  47. Goldman (AE) 2012 Abstract: Goldman GT, Mulholland JA, Russell AG, Gass K, Strickland MJ, Klein M, Tolbert PE.  Characterization of ambient air pollution measurement error in a time-series health study using a geostatistical simulation approach.  Atmospheric Environment 57:101-108, 2012.
  48. Darrow (JACI) 2012 Abstract: Darrow LA, Hess J, Rogers CA, Tolbert PE, Klein M, Sarnat SE.  Ambient pollen concentrations and emergency department visits for asthma and wheeze.  Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 
    130(3):630-638, 2012.
  49. Winquist (EH) 2012a Abstract: Winquist A, Klein M, Tolbert P, Flanders WD, Hess J, Sarnat SE. Comparison of emergency department and hospital admissions data for air pollution time-series studies. Environmental Health 11:70, 2012
  50. Winquist (EH) 2012 power Abstract: Winquist A, Klein M, Tolbert P, Sarnat SE.  Power estimation using simulations for air pollution time-series studies. Environmental Health11:68, 2012.
  51. Verma (ES&T) 2012 Abstract: Verma V, Rico-Martinez R, Kotra N, King L, Liu J, Snell TW, Weber RJ. Contribution of water-soluble and insoluble components and their hydrophobic/hydrophilic subfractions to the reactive oxygen species-generating potential of fine ambient aerosols. Environmental Science and Technology 46:11384-11392, 2012.
  52. Pachon (JAWMA) 2012 Abstract: Pachon JE, Balachandran S, Hu Y, Mulholland JA, Darrow LA, Sarnat JA, Tolbert PE, Russell AG. Development of outcome-based, multipollutant mobile source indicators. Journal of Air and Waste Management Association 62(4):431-442, 2012.
  53. Waller (IJE) 2013 Abstract: Waller LA. Commentary:  Regarding assessments of chance in investigations of `cluster series’. International Journal of Epidemiology 42:449-452, 2013.
  54. Verma (EP) 2013 Abstract: Verma V, Rico-Martinez R, Kotra N, Rennolds C, King L, Liu J, Snell T, Weber J. Estimating the toxicity of ambient fine aerosols using freshwater rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus (Rotifera: Monogononta). Environmental Pollution 182:379-384, 2013.
  55. Strickland (JESEE) 2013 Abstract: Strickland MJ, Gass KM, Goldman GT, Mulholland JA. Effects of ambient air pollution measurement error on health effect estimates in time series studies: a simulation-based analysis. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, doi:10.1038/jes.2013.16.
  56. Sarnat (JESEE) 2013 Abstract: Sarnat SE, Sarnat JA, Mulholland J, Isakov V, Özkaynak H, Chang H, Klein M, Tolbert PE. Application of alternative spatiotemporal metrics of ambient air pollution exposure in a time-series epidemiological study in Atlanta. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, 23:593-605, 2013.
  57. Sarnat J (JESEE) 2013 Abstract: Sarnat JA, Sarnat SE, Chang H, Mulholland J, Özkaynak H, Isakov V. Spatiotemporally resolved air exchange rate as a modifier of acute air pollution-related morbidity. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, 23:606-615, 2013.
  58. Park (HERA) 2013 Abstract: Park SK, Marmur A, Russell AG. Environmental risk assessment: comparison of receptor and air quality models for source apportionment. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal 19: 1385-1403, 2013.
  59. Park (APJAS) 2013 Abstract: Park SK, Russell AG. Regional adjustment of emission strengths via four dimensional data assimilation. Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 49(3):361-374, 2013.
  60. Pachon (APR) 2013 Abstract: Pachon JE, Weber RJ, Zhang X, Mulholland JA, Russell AG. Revising the use of potassium (K) in the source apportionment of PM2.5. Atmospheric Pollution Research 4(1):14-21, 2013.
  61. Maier (ES&T) 2013 Abstract: Maier ML, Balachandran S, Sarnat SE, Turner JR, Mulholland JA, Russell AG. Application of an ensemble-trained source apportionment approach at a site impacted by multiple point sources. Environmental Science and Technology 47:3743-3751, 2013.
  62. King (AMT) 2013 Abstract: King LE, Weber RJ. Development and testing of an online method to measure ambient fine particulate reactive oxygen species (ROS) based on the 2’,7’-dichlorofluorescin (DCFH) assay. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 6:1647-1658, 2013.
  63. Hu (ER) 2013 Abstract: Hu X, Waller LA, Al-Hamdan MZ, Crosson WL, Estes MG, Estes SM, Quattrochi DA, Sarnat JA, Liu Y. Estimating ground-level PM2.5 concentrations in the southeastern U.S. using geographically weighted regression. Environmental Research 121:1-10, 2013.
  64. Dionisio (JESEE) 2013 Abstract: Dionisio KL, Isakov  V, Baxter L, Sarnat JA, Sarnat SE, Burke J, Rosenbaum A, Graham SE, Cook R, Mulholland J, Özkaynak H. Development and evaluation of alternative approaches for exposure assessment of multiple air pollutants in Atlanta, Georgia.  Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, 23:581-592, 2013.
  65. Baxter (JESEE) 2013 Abstract: Baxter LK, Dionisio KL, Burke J, Sarnat SE, Sarnat JA, Hodas N, Rich DQ, Turpin BJ, Jones RR, Mannshardt E, Kumar N, Beevers SD, Özkaynak H. Exposure prediction approaches used in air pollution epidemiology studies:  Key findings and future recommendations. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, 23:654-659, 2013.
  66. Chang (AE) 2014 Abstract: Chang HH, Hao H, Sarnat SE. A statistical modeling framework for projecting future ambient ozone and its health impact due to climate change. Atmospheric Environment 89:290-297, 2014.
  67. Darrow (AJE) 2014 Abstract: Darrow LA, Klein M, Flanders WD, Mulholland JA, Tolbert PE, Strickland MJ. Air pollution and acute respiratory infections among children 0-4 years: an 18-year time-series study. American Journal of Epidemiology 180:968-77, 2014. 
  68. Dionisio (EHP) 2014 Abstract: Dionisio KL, Baxter LK, Chang HH. An empirical assessment of exposure measurement error and effect attenuation in bipollutant epidemiologic models. Environmental Health Perspectives 122(11):1216-24, 2014.
  69. Gass (EH) 2014 Abstract: Gass K, Klein M, Chang HH, Flanders WD, Strickland MJ. Classification and regression trees for epidemiologic research. Environmental Health 13:17, 2014.
  70. Greenwald (AST) 2014 Abstract: Greenwald R, Bergin MH, Yip F, Kewada P, Shafer MM, Schauer JJ, Sarnat JA. On-roadway in-cabin exposure to particulate matter: measurement results using both continuous and time-integrated sampling approaches.  Aerosol Science & Technology 48:664-675, 2014.
  71. Guo (ACPD) 2014 Abstract: Guo H, Xu L, Bougiatioti A, Cerully KM, Capps SL, Hite JR, Carlton AG, Lee S-H, Bergin MH, Ng NL, Nenes A, Weber RJ. Particle pH and water in the southeastern US. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 14:27143-93, 2014.
  72. Hu (ACP) 2014 Abstract: Hu X, Waller LA, Lyapustin A, Wang Y, Liu Y. 2014. 10-Year Spatial and Temporal Trends of PM2.5 Concentrations in the Southeastern U.S. Estimated Using High-Resolution Satellite Data. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 14:6301-6314.
  73. Hu (ACP) 2014(2) Abstract: Hu Y, Balachandran S, Pachon JE, Baek J, Ivey C, Holmes H, Odman MT, Mulholland JA, Russell AG. Fine particulate matter source apportionment using a hybrid chemical transport and receptor model approach. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 14:5415-5431, 2014.
  74. Liu (GRL) 2014 Abstract: Liu J, Scheuer E, Dibb JE, Ziemba LD, Thornhill KL, Anderson BE, Wisthaler A, Mikoviny T, Devi JJ, Bergin M, Weber RJ. Brown carbon in the continental troposphere. Geophysical Research Letters 41:2191–2195, 2014, doi:2110.1002/2013GL058976.
  75. Hu (RSE) 2014 Abstract: Hu X, Waller LA, Lyapustin A, Wang Y, Al-Hamdan MZ, Crosson WL, Estes MG, Estes SM, Quattrochi DA, Puttaswamy SJ, Liu Y. Estimating ground-level PM2.5 concentrations in the southeastern United States using MAIAC AOD retrievals and a two-stage model. Remote Sensing of Environment 140:220-232, 2014.
  76. Ma (EST) 2014 Abstract: Ma Z, Hu X, Huang L, Bi J, Liu Y. Estimating ground-level PM2.5 in China using satellite remote sensing. Environmental Science and Technology, 2014,
  77. Neelon (SMMR) 2014 Abstract: Neelon B, Chang HH, Ling Q, Hastings SN. Flexible space-time hurdle models for zero-inflated count data: exploring spatiotemporal trends in emergency department visits.  Statistical Methods and Medical Research, 2014, DOI: 10.1177/0962280214527079.
  78. Pearce (EH) 2014 Abstract: Pearce JL, Waller LA, Chang HH, Klein M, Mulholland JA, Sarnat JS, Sarnat SE, Strickland MJ, Tolbert PE. Using self-organizing maps to develop ambient air quality classifications for use in multipollutant health studies: a time-series example. Environmental Health 13:56, 2014.
  79. Sarnat (ER) 2014 Abstract: Sarnat JA, Golan R, Greenwald R, Raysoni AU, Kewada P, Winquist A, Sarnat SE, Flanders WD, Mirabelli MC, Zora JE, Bergin MH, Yip F. Exposure to Traffic Pollution, Acute Inflammation and Autonomic Response in a Panel of Car Commuters. Environmental Research 133: 66-76, 2014.
  80. Strickland (Epi) 2014 Abstract: Strickland MJ, Klein M, Flanders WD, Chang HH, Mulholland JA, Tolbert PE, Darrow LA. Modification of the effect of ambient air pollution on pediatric asthma emergency visits: susceptible subpopulations. Epidemiology 25(6):843-50, 2014.
  81. Strickland (PPE) 2014 Abstract: Strickland MJ, Marsh CA, Darrow LA. Gestational age-specific associations between infantile acute bronchiolitis and asthma after age five. Pediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology 28:521-26, 2014.
  82. Winquist (Epi) 2014 Abstract: Winquist A, Kirrane E, Klein M, Strickland M, Darrow LA, Sarnat SE, Gass K, Mulholland JA, Russell AG, Tolbert PE. Joint effects of ambient air pollutants on pediatric asthma emergency department visits in Atlanta, 1998-2004. Epidemiology 25:666-73, 2014.
  83. Balachandran (EST) 2013 Abstract: Balachandran S, Chang HH, Pachon JE, Holmes HA, Mulholland JA, Russell AG. Bayesian-based ensemble source apportionment of PM2.5. Environmental Science & Technology 47:13511-13518, 2013.
  84. Chang (JESEE) 2013 Abstract: Chang HH, Hu X, Liu Y. Calibrating MODIS aerosol optical depth for predicting daily PM2.5 concentrations via statistical downscaling. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, doi:10.1038/jes.2013.90.
  85. Liu J (ACP) 2013 Abstract: Liu J, Bergin M, Guo H, King L, Kotra N, Edgerton E, Weber RJ. Size-resolved measurements of brown carbon in water and methanol extracts and estimates of their contribution to ambient fine-particle light absorption.  Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 13:12389-12404, 2013.
  86. Holmes (APMA) 2014 Abstract: Holmes H, Zhai X, Redman J, Digby K, Ivey C, Balachandran S, Sororian S, Friberg M, Zhang W, Maier M, Hu Y, Russell A, Mulholland J, Chang H. Improved spatiotemporal air pollutant mixtures characterization for health studies.  In Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application XXIII (D. Steyn and R. Mathur eds.) 2014.
  87. Ivey (APMA) 2014 Abstract: Ivey C, Holmes H, Hu Y, Russell A, Mulholland J. Spatial and temporal extension of a novel hybrid source apportionment model. In Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application XXIII (D. Steyn and R. Mathur eds.) 2014.
  88. Russell (APMA) 2014 Abstract: Russell A, Holmes H, Frieberg M, Ivey S, Hu Y, Balachandran S, Mulholland J, Tolbert P, Sarnat J, Sarnat S, Strickland M, Chang H, Liu Y. Use of Air Quality Modeling Results in Health Effects Research. In Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application XXIII (D. Steyn and R. Mathur eds.)
  89. Sororian (APMA) 2014 Abstract: Sororian S, Holmes H, Friberg M, Ivey C, Hu Y, Mulholland J, Russell A, Strickland M, Chang H. Temporally and spatially resolved air pollution in Georgia using fused ambient monitoring data and chemical transport model results. In Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application XXIII (D. Steyn and R. Mathur eds.) 2014.
  90. Dionisio (JESEE) 2013 Abstract: Dionisio KL, Isakov  V, Baxter L, Sarnat JA, Sarnat SE, Burke J, Rosenbaum A, Graham SE, Cook R, Mulholland J, Özkaynak H. Development and evaluation of alternative approaches for exposure assessment of multiple air pollutants in Atlanta, Georgia.  Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, 23:581-592, 2013.